Blower door equipment

Testing Air Leakage In Homes

Blower door testing is a diagnostic procedure used to measure the airtightness of a building. The test employs a specialized fan mounted in a door frame, which is used to  depressurize the home. This allows professionals to identify air leakage points, assess the effectiveness of insulation, and gauge the overall energy efficiency of the property.

The powerful fan utilized in blower door testing, is temporarily mounted into the doorway of a home and calibrated to induce 50 pascals of air pressure into the home, (equivalent to 20 mph winds hitting the exterior). This difference in pressure forces exterior air into the home through any cracks or gaps in the structure.

Then, we measure the amount of air leaking in to find the home’s air change per hour – the calculation of how many times per hour the entire volume of air in a space is completely removed and replaced. Once all parameters are met, we are able to record the home air change per hour and issue the test results ON SITE!


Testing Preparation

Number 1

Exterior windows, doors, fireplaces, and stove doors shall be closed but not sealed beyond the intended weather stripping or other infliltration control measures.

Number 2

Dampers including exhaust, intake, makeup air, backdraft, and flue dampers shall be closed but no sealed beyond intended control measures.

Number 3

Interior doors, if installed at the time of the test, shall be open.

Number 4

Exterior doors for continuous ventilation systems and heat recovery ventilators shall be closed and sealed.

Number 5

Heating and cooling systems, if installed at the time of the test, shall be turned off.

Number 6

Supply and return registers, if installed at the time of the test, shall be fully open.